Privacy Policy

1.1. Integra advokáti s.r.o., with its registered office at Radlická 751/113e, Jinonice, 158 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic (“Integra“ or “we”) is the controller of the personal data and owner of the domain, where its website is hosted.

1.2. We at Integra are committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of our clients, potential clients and website users, therefore, we have developed this policy and practices described herein.  

1.3. This Privacy Policy explains how your personal data is collected and processed, and we advise you to read it to understand the conditions your personal data is collected and used.

1.4. Our Privacy Policy and practices comply with the applicable Czech legislation, including Czech Act No. 110/2019 Coll., Data Protection Act, and the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679). Data protection legislation is subject to review, and we recommend that users regularly consult our privacy statement

1.5. This website complies with national and EU legislation. Czech courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising from the use of this website.

2.1. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect and process the personal data necessary for the provision of services available through the website.

2.2. Examples of these services include contacting us and sending us your application.

2.3. The aim is to provide these services in an efficient and hassle-free manner, describing the practices adopted for this purpose.

3. WHAT ARE PERSONAL DATA and which personal data DO we collect?
3.1. Personal data refers to any information relating to a person that identifies or can directly or indirectly identify them, regardless of the nature and medium of the information, including sound and image.

3.2. Types of personal data we collect:

3.2.1. Identification and Contact Details: this includes your name, surname, email address, and phone number.

3.2.2. Device Information: this includes data about your device, particularly the IP address and data stored via cookies, if their storage is permitted.

3.2.3. Website Usage Information: this includes information about your use of the website, such as details from contact forms.Recruitment related data such as your curriculum vitae, your education and employment history, details of professional memberships and other information relevant to potential recruitment to Integra.


4.1. We may collect or receive your personal data in a number of different ways:

4.1.1 where you provide it to us directly, for example, by corresponding with us via email, through other direct interactions such as completing a form on our website.

4.1.3. automatically: We may automatically collect information about you when you use our Services such as, but not limited to: device information such as IP address, country, performance and log data. This information does not reveal your specific identity.

4.1.3. from publicly available or third party sources: we may, for example, use such sources to help us keep the contact details we already hold for you accurate and up to date or for professional networking purposes, e.g. LinkedIn o where you are being considered for employment with us, we may obtain personal data about you from third party sources.

4.2. Integra is committed to treating your data in accordance with the law and in a legitimate manner. Integra will not sell, rent, or share your personal data with third parties, except in cases clearly identified in this Privacy Policy.

4.3. Integra services are not directed at minors, and intentional processing of personal data of minors is not carried out.

We may use your personal data in the following ways. For each use, we specify the legal grounds on which we rely.

5.1. To provide our legal and other services and to conduct our business: this includes administering and performing our services and fulfilling our obligations arising from any agreements with you.

  • Legal grounds: Contract performance, legitimate interests (to enable us to perform our obligations and provide our services), consent.

5.2. To facilitate the use of our websites and ensure content relevance: we respond to information requests or inquiries from website visitors and ensure that content from our websites is presented effectively for you and your device.

  • Legal grounds: Legitimate interests (to provide content and services on the websites), consent, contract performance.

5.3. For research and development: we analyze data to better understand your and our clients' service and marketing needs, to improve our business, and develop our services and offerings.

  • Legal grounds: Legitimate interests (to improve our services).

5.4. For recruitment: we process employment applications sent by us by email and assess your suitability for any position for which you may apply.

  • Legal grounds: legitimate interests (to make appropriate recruitment decisions), contract performance (to take steps at your request to enter into a contract with you).

5.5. To fulfil legal, regulatory, or risk management obligations: this includes complying with legal obligations such as client due diligence, anti-money laundering, anti-bribery, sanctions or reputational risk screening, identifying conflicts of interest, preventing fraud, and performing relevant background checks. This may involve passing details to fraud prevention agencies if false or inaccurate information is provided, and/or fraud is identified or suspected. We also enforce our legal rights, comply with regulatory reporting obligations, and protect third-party rights.

  • Legal grounds: legal obligations, legal claims, legitimate interests (to cooperate with law enforcement and regulatory authorities, ensure acceptable risk profiles, and prevent crime and fraud). Processing special categories of personal data may also rely on substantial public interest (prevention or detection of crime) or legal claims.

5.6. To ensure payment: we recover any payments due and, if necessary, enforce such recovery through debt collection agencies or other legal actions, including initiating and conducting legal and court proceedings.

  • Legal grounds: contract performance, legal claims, legitimate interests (to ensure we are paid for our services).

Cookies are small information files that help identify your browser and can store information, such as User settings and preferences.

Integra will store cookies on your device to personalize and facilitate navigation to the fullest extent, as well as for troubleshooting, statistics, quality assurance, and monitoring system security.

Except for cookies specifically necessary for the performance of the website, the storage of other cookies will always depend on the User's acceptance and consent, which can be withdrawn at any time through specific browser tools.

7.1. Your personal data is kept secure through the adoption of various technical and organizational security measures that ensure that only our employees and associates who need to access the data do so in accordance with established rules.

7.2. To protect your personal data, we only rely on data center providers that offer adequate and documented security measures, including guarantees that your personal data is stored on servers maintained in controlled environments with limited access.

7.3. Personal data is stored on secure servers, which provides us with appropriate security guarantees for protecting personal data against unauthorized disclosure, loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, or any other form of unlawful processing.

7.4. Although we take precautions and measures we consider appropriate to protect the personal data you provide and we collect, it should be noted that no security system is impenetrable.

8.1. Before explaining how you can exercise your rights, it is important to know what they are. Therefore, the legislation grants you the right:

8.1.1. of access: the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed and, if so, the right to access your personal data;

8.1.2. to rectification: the right to correct the inaccurate personal data concerning you and the right to have incomplete personal data completed;

8.1.3. to erasure: the right to request the deletion or removal of your information where there is no compelling reason for us to keep using it;

8.1.4. to restrict processing: the right to obtain the restriction of processing if one of the situations listed in the legislation applies;

8.1.5. to object to processing or withdraw your consent: the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you or when you have given your consent you are entitled to withdraw it;

8.1.5. to data portability: the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

8.2. To exercise the above-mentioned rights, please contact Integra via the following email:

8.3. If you request the deletion of some or all of your personal data, some of the requested services may not be provided to you, and Integra will retain only the personal data necessary to fulfill the legal obligations to which it is bound.

8.4. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (in the Czech Republic, the Office for Personal Data Protection at

9.1. Integra may rely on third parties for the provision of certain services, such as maintenance, technical support, marketing, billing, or payment management, and these third parties may have access to some personal data, namely, the data necessary for the contracted purposes.

9.2. Integra ensures that the entities that have access to the data are credible and provide high guarantees of protection. They will not be provided with data beyond what is necessary for the provision of the contracted service, while Integra remains responsible.

9.3. Integra may also disclose data to third parties in the context of investigations, inquiries, judicial and/or administrative proceedings, or similar proceedings, provided that it is duly ordered to do so by a court order.

10.1. The website may contain links to other websites that may collect and process your personal data. The processing of data on these websites is the sole responsibility of the owners of those websites, and Integra assumes no responsibility for their policies and/or practices.

10.2. Examples of such third parties are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn through the buttons present on the website.

In the event of data transfers to third countries outside the European Union, Integra will comply with legal requirements, particularly regarding the adequacy of the destination country with regard to the protection of personal data and the requirements applicable to such transfers. Personal data will not be transferred to jurisdictions that do not provide adequate security and protection guarantees.

12.1. Integra kindly requests that you do not send or disclose any sensitive personal data, meaning information that reveals racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, data concerning health, or data concerning a person's sex life or sexual orientation.

12. 2. If you still send or disclose such categories of personal data, they will be promptly deleted.

Integra reserves the right to readjust or change this Privacy Policy at any time, with such changes being advertised.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us in writing via email at